Jul 07

I am Back

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: I am Back
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 07 02:09:21 GMT

I am back from my 2-into-1 week holiday. Got a
huge nose sunburn just from the first day, even
though it was cloudy, windy and I spent all the
afternoon under suncover. Go figure… For the
rest of the days it was sun protection lotion
level 40 all the way.

Not much to say really, except that my batteries
are now charged for at least the next 6 months of

For the next 3 years I guess that I’ll probably
need aditional vacation time:


You can go there and play “Where’s Wally”…

— MV

Jun 07

The Size of the Planets

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: The Size of the Planets
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 07 21:58:21 GMT

http://www.prt.sc/planet/ 68 requests, 1.88 MB
http://www.planetgeek.org/ 136 requests, 2.89MB

Come on people, get a grip on those page sizes, they
really piss of my Nokia E70 ( http://forum.nokia.com/devices/E70 )

If any of you are thinking about providing the community
with a podcast (with member interviews for example) or
with a videocast (Geek Crossfire anyone? I wonder who will
be the first…) make sure that first you’ve optimized the
entry pages. Right now they are pigs…

— MV

Jun 07

Funky Metal

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Funky Metal
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 07 20:33:21 GMT

A few videos from a lost age when music had variety
and genres would mix up as in “Funky Metal” (rock
music for the thinking mind), a mix of the rythms and
grooves from funky with the seriousness and power of

And then, Nirvana came only and destroyed the music

King Of The Hill – I Do You

Extreme – Get the funk out

Red Hot Chilli Peppers (before becoming sellouts) – Higher Ground

Faith No More – We Care A Lot

Clawfinger – Nigger

Terrorvision – My House

Jane’s Addiction – Been Caught Stealing

Living Colour-Glamour Boys

Jesus Jones – Real, Real, Real

Living Colour – Elvis Is Dead

“Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building!”

PS – I had to resist putting in more Dan Reed Network links
in the list above, since there’s a lot of them in some of my
other posts. But I cant avoid referring Prince’s “U Got the
Look” which is not actually metal; but it rocks anyway…


Jun 07

Too Young to Die…

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Too Young to Die…
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 07 01:06:21 GMT

… but not too old to rock n roll. Or a glimpse
at a time when heavy could also be mental.

“Bring me a wheel of oaken wood
A rein of polished leather
A Heavy Horse and a tumbling sky
Brewing heavy weather.” – Jethro Tull, Heavy Horses

Heavy Horses – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmMyLBJk-Qw
Moths – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lkONLEePaM
Too Old to Rock & Roll – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGWG_gCRw20
Songs from the Wood – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyTLv4amYpU
Dun Ringill – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlrxyiIVFUU

Listen to the albums when you’ve already worn out your
Marillion records. For better effect, read “The Hobbit” or
“The Lord of the Rings” at the same time.

“Lines join in faint discord
and the stormwatch brews
a concert of kings
as the white sea snaps
at the heels of a soft prayer
whispered.” – Jethro Tull, Dun Ringill

Sometimes I wonder if Ian Anderson isnt better than Fish…

— MV

Jun 07

Seasons in Life

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Seasons in Life
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 07 19:27:21 GMT

I’m sure you’re all aware of the fact that the
year is roughly divided into four (4) seasons.


I myself have felt the same 4-season-division
in my entrepreneurial endeavours as well as in
my life. If you picture a sinusoidal wave, there’s
a phase where (1) its going up, (2) you’re on the
top, (3) you’re coming down and (4) you’ve hit
rock bottom.

This, by the way, is one of the big-major-mega
difficulties in being an entrepreneur. When you
work for others, your life tends to be a straight
line trending upwards. When you’re an entrepreneur,
the trend and the endpoint is the same (generally
speaking; you do have a shot at a major success…),
but the progress is not a straight line; it waves
around the trendline, with inevitable and regular
highs and inevitable and regular downs. Some people
cant deal with that; I myself can tell you its not
an easy task.

So imagine my surprise when wandering about the
net I found the same principle of four (4) phases
applied to eras (bunch of years) and to generations.


Just for the record I was born during an Awakening
(1964-1984) and we’re currently under an Unravelling.
In generation terms I’m a Generation 13/Generation X
and I should be a Prophet under the above proposed types.


(A side note to remember that one of my favorite bands,
Saga, have an amazing album called “Generation 13”)


I also find that relationships and friendships, and
partnerships in particular, also seem to follow this four
season rule. First there’s a phase of Idolatry, where one
of the parts is surprised and honored by the other’s
availability and friendship; a second phase is one of
Equality, where the previously surprised part asserts
and assumes (and rightly so) that there’s no need to
be surprised, honored or obliged, since he or she is, in
fact, an equal in a symetrical relation; unfortunately
this eventually turns into a third phase, shall we call
it Arrogance, where the equality thinking becomes “I’m
actually the most important part of this relationship,
I dont owe anything to the other part and actually I’m
probably being exploited” (aka the “I can go it alone”
phase in partnerships); the fourth phase, lets call it
the Hindsight phase, usually comes after a few years or
a few knocks through reality, is one where the previously
arrogant part understands that he was indeed part of an
equality (and indeed something was owed because of that
recognition of capacity and equality) which is now broken,
never to be repeated, forgiven maybe,but not forgotten.

I’ve had the repetition of these 4 phases with several
friends, partners and even family. I guess its part of
the natural order of things. I guess that my reasoning
can even be extended to everyone’s child/parent relations,
including mine with my father, now deceased.
What’s been surprising to me is that these four phases
used to happen in a 3 or 4 year cycle. Lately they’ve
been happening to me faster, within 1 to 2 year cycles.
Either everything is moving faster or I’m getting older
and slower…

— MV