Jan 08

Gold In Them Thar Hills

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Gold In Them Thar Hills
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 08 23:59:21 GMT

Nao e que eu seja o gajo mais inteligente na materia
(chumbei 3 vezes a Financas…) e tambem nao pretendo
ser nem sou grande conselheiro no assunto. Mas como o
meu financeiro preferido concorda, pelo menos quanto mais
nao seja ficam os artigos e os graficos para referencia

Rising Inflation Expectations Amidst An Inflationary Storm :2008-2009


Se conseguirem tirar alguma conclusao, run dont walk…


— MV

Jan 08

The Unbeliever

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: The Unbeliever
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 08 16:16:21 GMT

Wheeeeee!!! Just found out that one my favourite authors,
Stephen Donaldson, after a sci-fi series (that I didnt like),
has returned to fantasy and is doing a third trilogy about
the “Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever”.


I didnt even know about “Runes of the Earth”, the first
volume in this 3rd trilogy (it came out in 2004), but they
are going fast into my Amazon queue.

For those interested, the first two trilogies are at or
above Tolkien level. You might think of them as “Lord of the
Rings” for grownups.

— MV

Jan 08

CDROM Os Lusiadas

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: CDROM Os Lusiadas
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 08 00:10:21 GMT

Isto tem *tanto* tempo que ainda nem Internet havia
em Portugal.


Alias, a Esoterica inicialmente foi criada para fazer
produtos multimedia (e nao Internet); este era um deles.

— MV

Jan 08

Podia Ter Sido Eu a Inventar o MacBook Air

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Podia Ter Sido Eu a Inventar o MacBook Air
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 08 00:55:21 GMT

Quando vi as primeiras imagens/publicidades do Mac Book
Air pensei: “olha! queres ver que o sacana do Steve Jobs
me roubou a ideia?! vou ja processar o bastardo!”


As imagens e o texto sao enganadores; diz “cables not included”
e parece nao haver qualquer ligacao entre as duas partes do
portatil. Um bocado em linha com o que a minha homonima Maria Joao
Valente ja referiu, pensei logo em video wireless.


Mas pensei mais do que isso. Pensei: queres ver que finalmente
apareceu alguem inteligente e fez um portatil composto por DOIS
ecrans LCD (com ligacao de video wireless ou normal), em que um
dos ecrans poderia ser usado com um teclado virtual, algo que a
Apple estaria especialmente preparada para fazer dada a experiencia
do multitouch no iPhone?


Mas nao, afinal o Steve limitou-se a apresentar um portatil
que cabe num envelope. Inovacoes a serio e um processo de patent
infringement ficam entao para a proxima MacWorld.

— MV

PS – Ah! O MacOSX 10.3.5 instalou no Powerbook G3…

Jan 08

Life Options

As stated before, I took the opportunity of my xmas/newyear
holidays to do some thinking and reflecting. Not only is my
40 year anniversary coming up but the end of my 3 year service
comission is also approaching fast (June). Whatever I choose to do
next shouldnt be something short-term; it will/should probably be
something for the next 5 to 10 year cycle.

The way I see it there are 3 options:

– work alone (solo)
– work for me (entrepreneur)
– work for others (employee)

I’ll tackle the last one first. I am definitely capable of
working for others and within organizations. But its definitely
not one of my strong suites. As it is, for me to consider this
as an option, it would have to be something really special. Not
only in terms of payment/salary, but especially in terms of the
project. What I’m really good at is in leading small specialist
teams in special projects, preferably in problem-solving mode or
in product-development mode. I’m sure that I would have some offers
in this area, but I’m not sure about them being special.
A special case of this option would be working as entrepreneur
in residence for a venture capital firm or business development
unit. Taking into account Portugal’s status quo, I’m really skeptic
about this suboption.

I could definitely see myself going solo. I’d probably follow
my masters with a PhD, after finishing the thesis. With the
existing difficulty in finding good people for good teams, I
would rather work alone that with a bunch of average guys. I’m
sure some consultancy work would be available. And of course
teaching is something that I love to do, as well as doing
academic research (though I’m not so fond of paper writing…).

Finaly, the entrepeneurial option. This has been my “mode” most
of my working life and the one that I do prefer. But, as I said
before, its hard finding the right people. Nowadays I’m more
convinced that its easy/easier to find the funds/money. Besides
the “people” problem, and perhaps more fundamental, is the
project. As usual I have lots of ideas. Some of them would be
easily fundable and easily provided for in terms of people. Other
ideas would be more difficult to “sell” to investors and harder
to provision with good people. As an example I’m sure that some
friends & family would invest in some kind of “open source”
startup led by me and that such an enterprise would be able to
attract local talent. I’m less sure of the availability of both
capital and talent if I finally started a videogame company. But
that would definitely be an option to make me stick around for the
next 10 years…

— MV