Jul 07

Campus Party

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Campus Party
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 07 22:39:21 GMT

– motel marcado, inscricao feita e paga, team
combinada, ferias marcadas. Desmarcacao da Campus
Party; fico chateado, claro que fico…

– bem feito para o portugues que se inscreve e
paga a ultima da hora; para a proxima sinalizem
a intencao de ir mais cedo

– bem feito para Impresa Digital que julgava que
isto era pera doce e que era so multiplicar 2500
por 100 Euro e obter 250 mil

– lamentavel a forma como o evento foi cancelado;
no minimo devia ter-se esperado ate a data limite
de inscricoes, dia 12 de Julho; por causa da pressa
de algum pepe rapido, perderam toda a credibilidade
para organizar um futuro evento semelhante

– VD is right: all you marketoids, press people,
etc, forget about Campus Parties. Just go away to
marketoid oriented events where you can hear all
you want about segment leader market oriented new
media vision driven business “ideas” and mingle
with venture catalysts with even less money than
the wannabe entrepreneurs trying to sell rehashed
ideas that can be had for free. You might even find
MBAs there, something that its improbable to happen
in the middle of those porn downloading code churning
game playing longhaired smelly Campus Party types.

— MV

Jul 07

Firefox Bounty Followup II

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Firefox Bounty Followup II
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 07 23:40:21 GMT

To all we contributed to aditional diagnosis of the
problem my heartfelt thanks.

We have now confirmed our initial suspicion (see my
first post) that the problem was most probably related
to character encodings and not to some server side
configuration problems. This has been confirmed thanks
to Nelson Bolyard:


Unfortunately although we have the diagnostic, we
do not have a solution. I mean, sure its relatively easy
for the state agencies involved to go and reissue the
certificates with matching encodings. But I must say that
it pains me to see the standards (RFC3280 and RFC4630)
implemented in a reasonable way (comparing strings as
they should be; keep in mind that both RFCs state MAY
and SHOULD, there’s no MUST) in other browsers and FF
displaying a wrongful message just because of the lack
of some string conversion code.

So, until it is obvious that no solution is
forthcoming and that we might as well reissue the
certificates, the bounty still stands for anyone that
submits the feature/bug/whatever to Bugzilla and comes
up with the code/patch to back it up.

— MV

Jul 07

Chilling Out

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Chilling Out
Date: Sun, 08 Jul 07 15:39:21 GMT

One of the things that I used to enjoy was watching
MTV’s Chillout Zone at dawn, on Sundays, after playing
or hacking away until the wee hours.


Since the local cable TV operator switched to digital,
together with the launch of MTV Portugal, I’ve had no such
luck. Fortunately there’s an unofficial site with the
playlists, so I can get up to date on “music to listen
while working”.


And its useful not only to know which CDs to buy or
which MP3s to download, its also useful to find some
amazing videos.

Case in point: Hexstatic, besides having awesome tunes,
also have some awesome videos that should not be missed
by any heavy mental 21st century MTV born game playing
Kraftwerk loving dude:

Hexstatic – Machine

Hexstatic – Pulse

Hexstatic – Vector

— MV

Jul 07

Blog Maintenance

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Blog Maintenance
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 07 00:01:21 GMT

Some blog maintenance done. May messages were
moved to the 2007 archive (so as to shorten the
browser based and RSS based list) and the order
of both was reversed to “blog” order (most recent
on top) at the request of several families.

— MV

Jul 07

Kiss Unmasked

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Kiss Unmasked
Date: Sat, 07 Jul 07 22:01:21 GMT

My favorite band of all time: Kiss.

When they came to Lisbon, back in 1983, I was
pissed off that of all countries they had to
choose Portugal to take the makeup off, right after
having filled up the Maracana still with makeup on.

Some years later I had the chance to see them in
the Reunion tour, when they reunited and put the
makeup back on, at the Monster of Rock festival in


So that took away some of the grief I had for the
1983 show and I now look back on these images with


Yours truly, aged 15, is actually part of the
video, so try and spot the wally…

— MV