No Posts

From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: No Posts
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 07 01:40:21 GMT

No posts for the week because:

a) I woz here
b) came back and a full scan of the weeks feeds resulted
in zero interesting links. Its either the end of the
Intarweb or the end of my interest in it. GIF at 11

Of note: “Start Your Business Week by Week” and “Game Plan”
are total utter crap. Dont buy them.

Quote of the week, after re-reading “The Innovators Solution”:

“On the other hand, disruptive innovations occur so intermitently
that no company has a practiced process for handling them.
Furthermore, because disruptive products tipically promise
lower gross profit dollars per unit sold and cannot be used by
the best customers, disruptions are inconsistent with the
leading companies’ values. Established companies have the
resources required to succeed at both sustaining and disruptive
technologies. But their processes and values constitute
disabilities in their efforts to succeed at innovation.

In contrast, smaller, disruptive companies are actually more
capable of pursuing emerging growth markets. They lack resources,
but that doesnt constrain them. Their values can embrace small
markets, and their cost structures can accomodate lower margins
per unit sold. Their less formal market research and resource
allocation processes allow managers to proceed intuitively rather
that having to be backed up by careful research and analysis.
All of these advantages add up to enormous opportunity or
looming disaster, depending on your perspective”

Personal insight of the week: the traditional equation Y =f(K, L)
in economics regarding theories of production, represents more
than the tradeoff between capital and labor; it represents the
tradeoff between technology and people+processes; it thus has a
huge problem because the “processes” component is usually not
accounted for and is hard if not impossible to quantize; its also
the hardest part to substitute for capital/technology; it follows
that the Leontief isoquants are a lot much trickier that they
might appear.

— MV

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