RSS News Reading in Google Plus

google-plus-rss Like many people out there I was a very intensive user of Google Reader. And so, for the past couple of months, I’ve been looking at alternatives to Google Reader, taking into account that the Google Reader service would be closed on the 1st of July (yesterday).

Like some people out there, I think that Google will eventually morph Reader into Google Plus Pages, making an April Fool’s joke come true. While they dont do that on their own, you can try out if this alternative would work out for you.

One of the alternatives I explored to replace Google Reader was precisely that: feeding RSS feeds into a Google Page. You can do this with a bunch of tools like Hootsuite,, or IFTTT. I dont know if our past investment Tarpipe allows for that through its Cloudwork reincarnation.

Anyways… I used Hootsuite to crosspost my Alltop RSS feed to a Google Page test. Although I have been using Feedly to do my RSS newsreading, from time to time I check up on the Google Page and I’m getting more and more used to it. I was particularly surprised to see some people subscribing to it and +1 some items since I didnt talk about it anywhere.

You can check out the resulting RSS feed to Google Page test here.

By messing with you page zoom level you can get it to look somewhat like this:

Screenshot from 2013-07-02 23:49:02

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