From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Ho Hum
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 07 22:56:21 GMT
I could post about games but I’m still playing
(and getting my ass kicked) at Hardcore level in
Open Arena.
I could post about politics/philosophics but the
local leftist mindset is just too dense to understand
individual freedom.
I could post about business but I’m going “under
the radar” on that.
I could post about books but I’m still reading the
last book from the queue and waiting for xmas gifts.
I could post about music but its the old same old.
I could post about technology but I’m just too fed
up with it.
Luckily a two week holiday has started. Posting will
be sporadic. Perhaps next week; perhaps next year…
— MV