Oct 07

Underrated Bands and Songs from the 70s

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Underrated Bands and Songs from the 70s
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 07 18:50:21 GMT

Not that its my favorite decade for music (and actually a lot
of crap came out of it, namely disco and punk), but the 70s do
have lots of good bands and songs.

There are nonetheless some bands who created great stuff and
are not known by most people. They recognize the songs usually
because they’ve heard a cover version. Here are 3 of them…

T-Rex – Bang a Gong (Get It On)
(cover version by Powerstation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUc629OcQPo )

Slade – Mama weer all crazee now
(cover version by Quiet Riot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZjbmA1Id0 )

The Sweet – Ballroom Blitz
(cover version by Krokus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEnE5DHrJkE )
(cover version by Tia Carrere: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8XEKBkfE5c )

— MV

Oct 07

Chancadas na Gramatica I

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Chancadas na Gramatica I
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 07 18:50:21 GMT

“agora o forum vai ser desenvolvido uma area para ensinar a
fazer homebrew, a PSP-NEWS quer ter bons desenvolvidores e
esta a espera de registos, quem quiser pode-se iscrever”


Deixa ca ver:

1,2) “o forum vai ser desenvolvido uma area” (“no forum/desenvolvida uma area”)
3) “desenvolvidores” (“desenvolvedores/programadores”)
4) “a” (“a”)
5) “pode-se” (“pode inscrever-se”)
6) “iscrever” (“inscrever”)

6 chancadas de uma vez so…

Nao sei… talvez se pudesse arranjar um proxy que fizesse
spellcheck e bloqueava o acesso a todas as paginas com erros…
Ou entao podia sair uma lei para proibir o acesso a esses

(hilariante 3o paragrafo; guardei o jornal original)

— MV

Oct 07

LOL Ah Ah Ah Ah

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: LOL Ah Ah Ah Ah
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 07 14:15:21 GMT


Ah Ah Ah Ah!…. Ah Ah Ah Ah…


Ai q n posso! LOL! Ah Ah Ah Ah!…

Quem la esta ha 10 anos mantendo tudo na mesma, “volta” agora
com uma pretensa capacidade de inovacao (agora esta na moda).
Qual e ela? Voltar a usar o nome.

“The world needs wannabes
The world loves wannabes
So let’s get some more wannabes
Hey, hey, do that brand new thing!”

The Offspring – Pretty Fly

— MV

Oct 07

Why No Portuguese Startup Hubs

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Why No Portuguese Startup Hubs
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 07 23:25:21 GMT

The answers to the question about the non-existence of startup
hubs in Portugal (or for Portugal not being a startup hub) are
given by Paul Graham himself.

Why Startups Condense in America

How to be Silicon Valley

Lisbon (in Portugal, in Europe) has most of the 10 conditions
referred in the 1st essay (except for one). It also has most of
the conditions referred to in the 2nd essay.

Whats the problem then? Paul Graham sums it up best:

“If you look at the kinds of things you have to do to create an
environment where startups condense, none are great sacrifices.
Great universities? Livable towns? Civil liberties? Immigration
policies that let in smart people?
Flexible employment laws? Tax laws that encourage growth?”

The last two are the killers.

Startups are risky endeavours. You need a lot of flexibility. Why
should I start a startup if I’m burdened for life with employees
(even if the startup fails) and their “social” costs (thereby making
me need more investment upfront) and then get as reward having to
pay more than 50% in taxes (do the math)?

Shall we leave those “values” and with them the (crappy) “universal”
health system, the (crappy) subsidized public transportation and other
“values” of the social state? Shall we drop taxes like Ireland did
and allow for freedom of contract in employment? No Siree Bob…

But I guess we can be happy for being death penalty free, having good
wine and food and drink beer in the streets. And meanwhile we can just
go on leaving to work in the US or in a north European city. If you do,
at least choose Amsterdam: London has more VC money; but Amsterdam has
better taxes and less crappy weather…

— MV

Oct 07

Premio Nobel da Literatura

Path: mv.asterisco.pt!mvalente
From: mvale…@ruido-visual.pt (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Premio Nobel da Literatura
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 07 23:01:21 GMT

Ora entao, e apresentado o Premio Nobel da Literatura 2007.

Ganhou uma senhora, Doris Lessing. Os telejornais dao a noticia,
“e uma senhora”, “tem 89 anos”, etc e tal

Entao e escreve o que, importam-se de dizer? E que, do que me
lembro, quando ganham os intelectualoides de esquerda sabemos
logo que e poesia ou drama ou teatro ou romances…

Que tipo de escrita faz Doris Lessing? Nem uma palavra.


Ah, ja sei! Deve ser porque escreve ficcao cientifica. Que nao
e uma “coisa seria”. Iam la agora os intelectualoides engolir a
seco a sobranceria que poem na fuca quando alguem diz “eu gosto
de ler ficcao cientifica”. Nah…

Vai ser giro e a surpresa que os seguidores dos criticos literarios
intelectualoides de esquerda vao ter quando amanha forem a correr
a FNAC comprar os livros da senhora.

— MV