
From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: OpenBarTakeFooCoffeeCampParty
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 07 23:08:21 GMT

A sure sign that you have a bubble going on is
the proliferation of gatherings and meetings for
would-be entrepreneurs and wannabe capitalist to
meet and greet.

Last time I saw this trend, the bubble burst a
few months later…

I actually was there, did that and got the t-shirt…

The reason why these meetings arent usually successful
in Portugal is because even though we’re basically a
country with a colectivist/socialist discourse, there’s
a lot of egoism going on (not individualism, mind you).

That and the fact that people insist on gathering
people for consensual decision making and then try
to do the meetings; instead of just doing the goddamn
meetings and then try and get more people.

Meanwhile the Founders Dinner keeps going along quite
nicely, with an informal dinner every month and always
at a different restaurant (no journalists allowed). We
will hit the 5 year anniversary next December.

Those 5 years dont include the year that me and Patrick
had lunch every month to discuss entrepreneurship until we
got tired of getting drunk and hearing each other’s stupid
ideas and decided to bring along a few more unfortunate
souls :-)

— MV

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