Simple Web App Building Request

From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Simple Web App Building Request
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 07 20:26:21 GMT

Here’s a simple enough request for all of you who
think that your current web development framework
is right on…

I want to develop a very simple web app: its just
a CRUD interface for a SQL table. Simple enough,
right? I mean there’s Django automated forms, there’s
Ruby on Rails, etc, etc. Hell, I can even do it quick
enough on Zope (with or without Plone or CPS to help).

Now the dificult part: I want to have the logic
interface (the CRUD part) available as a webservice
(WSDL/SOAP or REST); I want to have the UI interface
available as a webservice (WSRP).

Now what?…

For the record I’m currently dabbling with ActiveGrid,
TurboGears and OpenPortal. WSDL is easy enough on the
first two, but no WSRP; WSRP is doable in the third,
but Java continues to suck rocks and doing the WSDL
part seems to be (or to me at least) a nightmare.

Got any other suggestions?

— MV

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