Open Source Elections

From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Open Source Elections
Date: Sat, 06 May 07 23:09:21 GMT

At 22 pm today, another portuguese election was
finished using solely open source software.

In case you’re wondering: Java+JBoss+PostgreSQL+Linux.

Plus assorted stuff like Rrdtool for monitoring (ninja
style, courtesy of Dr Pepper), Slony for DB replication
and Firefox to look at the bling (some generated by Dojo)

Another oportunity for some good teamwork between the
team at ITIJ and the team from Critical (who developed
the application). Thanks everyone…

An uneventful Sunday election, if it werent for the
fact that we had to wait 1 hour for the last 12 counties.
Everyone was counting on finishing by 9 a.m. and then
dinner at home, but it wasnt to be so.

It all points to us having to repeat the process in a
couple of months. It’ll be 5 elections in less than
2 years. At least the lookout on 2008 is nice. Parliament,
Government, Local and European elections are all set
to be in 2009… That’ll make for some free time in
2008 and I might just finish my master thesis.

— MV

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