Red Sector A

From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Red Sector A
Date: Mon, 01 May 07 22:49:21 GMT

“Are we the last ones left alive
Are we the only human beings to survive”

Rush has the best bass player in the world; the best
drummer in the world (who also happens to be one of the
best lyricists, except for Fish); and one of the most
distinctive guitar players in the world.

Brasil can actually fill up the Maracana and sing
along to one of their *instrumentals*!:

And yet in Portugal they’re virtually unknown. I’ll
just assume that we’re too high minded to like some of
that basic, primary, “rock stuff”. The European elite
is more in tune with king-of-the-burbs-ghetto-revival
hip-hop-gangsta-rap profoundness…

— MV

PS – Just for the record, I actually like some of the
intelligent hip hop out there:

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