Key Generator

From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv
Subject: Key Generator
Date: Sat, 05 May 07 05:36:21 GMT

This night/dawn/morning, although I was flat tired,
while putzing aroung with some graphing software I
arrived at a set of four polynomial functions that
generated a set of 16 strangely familiar numbers.

This is the graph I got while playing around…


When I created a small python script to generate
those four polynomial functions and output them in
hex,it got even stranger. Here’s the code to see if you
can figure it out…


def f1(x):
return 114.83333*x**3-925*x**2+2211.1667*x-1391.9
def f2(x):
return -66.5*x**3+1273*x**2-7992.5*x+16607
def f3(x):
return -13.666667*x**3+496*x**2-5871.3333*x+22845.1
def f4(x):
return -9.5*x**3+430.5*x**2-6440*x+31936
def tohex(x):
return ‘%02X’%x

key = map(f1, range(1,5)) + map(f2, range(5,9)) + map(f3, range(9,13)) + map(f4, range(13,17))
print map(tohex,map(int,key))

A friend told me that the results were similar to some
copyrighted string that was being posted all over the net.
I told him that weenies post strings; real men post code.

And I dont see how the output of a block of simple code
with 4 simple functions can be some sort of secret…

— MV

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