From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: mv.books
Subject: Another Trilogy Bites The Dust
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 07 23:05:21 GMT
So, it seems that this dawn (woke up at 3 a.m. and
stayed awake reading until 6.30) I got the reading of
another trilogy under my belt, the Galactic Milieu Trilogy.
About time too, since I had bought and read the prequel quadrilogy
(or a trilogy with 4 volumes, if you know what I mean) called
“Saga of the Exiles” back in 1986 or something like that; and
the bridge volume “Intervention” connecting both sagas in the
early 90s…
Both are connected in an ingenious way. In “Saga of the Exiles” you
follow the lives of people who, living in years beyond 2080, go through
a gate back to prehistoric Earth, back to the Pliocene. There, besides
numerous stuff that I wont tell you about, they find a group of rebels
from the future, metapsychic rebels. The hapenings that lead to this
metapsychic rebellion are those that are detailed in the “Galactic
Milieu”, where eventually you get to the point where you find the
self-exiles from the previous trilogy and the metapsychic rebels and
follow them to the point where they get through the time gate.
I have to say that this is one of my preferred multivolume fantasy
operas, at the same level as “Lord of the Rings” and “Dune”.
What took me so long (close to 20 years) to finish it up? Well,
for once the fact that they got out of print and I slowly acquired
the last volumes “Jack the Bodiless” and “Diamond Mask”. Since I
couldnt get the last volume “Magnificat” in new pristine condition,
I finally resignated and bought second hand at Amazon for my birthday
about 2 weeks ago. Which was the other delaying factor: back in my
youthful days a 600 page book would have a lasting factor of about
2 or 3 days; now it took me nearly 2 weeks to finish them.
All is not lost: during real-summer-and-at-the-beach holidays I
still clock in at about 250/300 pages a day… Hayek and Drucker
seem to be the only exceptions.
— MV