Path: sparky!uunet!mcsun!!!valente!mvalente
From: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Newsgroups: comp.os.coherent
Subject: HELP! Install on IDE,AMI and OPTI…
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 92 18:27:21 EST
News-Software: FSUUCP 1.2 R4
Reply-To: mvale… (Mario Valente)
Distribution: world
Organization: Mario Valente,Lisbon,Portugal
Lines: 27
I bought Coherent but I cant install it on a 386/25 clone with OPTI chipset,
AMI BIOS and IDE hard drives.
The manual states that these normally give problems.
Is there anyone who could install Coherent on something similar ?
Is there a fix for this problem ?
I have checked that AT Stretch is setup, as well as ATCLK/4, but no go.
I have also tried installing with another graphic card, but no go :-(
Can someone help ?
Thanx in advance….
By(e) Mario Valente
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mario Valente,Lisboa,Portugal | /\ |--- |--- Old MacDonald had a | | | /__\ | |--- computer with EIA I/O | | Fidonet 2:362/4 | / \ |___ |___ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+